ml> شهریور 89 - only for mahdi
 شهریور 89 - only for mahdi

Mehdi waiting Nahjolbalaghe - Birth Mahdi in Sunni books

جمعه 89 شهریور 12 ساعت 5:23 صبح
Mehdi waiting Nahjolbalaghe - Birth Mahdi in Sunni
We help topic

Birthday of Imam Mahdi (AS):
Here readers attention to a lofty
subject matter and draw it, we can provide that:
The real issue as the
question of Imamat in Islam, millenarianism in the first post of this topic, we
referred to an issue of consensus between all religions, ideological and
jurisprudence of Islam.

Nothing in this regard is in dispute is the
subject of birth of Imam Mahdi group denied a handful of Sunnis, and agree with
the majority Shia, and ideological resources, tradition and history have
explicitly acknowledge it.

Needless to say, believers in the birth of
Hazrat Imam Askari attributable to the honorable, and other attributes such as
his vital Shvvn Ghybtv. . . With Shi"a believe.
The fact that we in this
part of the book adaptation Fraz·hay words with the issue of Imam Mahdi
Nahjolbalaghe waiting, dependent confess Ibn Abi Alhdyd, exegete Nahjolbalaghe,
have been, and he birth of the Prophet in the subject with Shia opposition, and
it has to postpone the next, this introduction to our names over one hundred
people from the Sunni scholars and historians who Hmqydh Shia, and the birth of
Imam Mahdi in the second half of the third century AH confess we have mentioned,
and for more details interested to know the Arabic language book from Alsnh
Alamam Mahdi Nd ([12]) and the introduction we referred.
The names of one
hundred people from the Sunni clerics and Sunni historians in the second half of
the promised Mahdi Birth third century Shiite scholars agree with the name of
their book .... Read on Read more

نوشته شده توسط : محمد جواد محبی نیا

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ya mahdi help me

جمعه 89 شهریور 12 ساعت 5:22 صبح

the Imam (PBUH);
best tool and surest way to
reach God is.
wants to God, you can start and whom he only counts only accept your words and
songs whoever he is, brought to you" ([1] [1]).
) Pilgrimage
of Imam Hadi deadly

the Imam (PBUH);
Introduction to love him and love
him, an introduction to love God

loves you, God is love" ([2] [2]).

the Imam (PBUH);
way of escape, and adverb clause is ignorance.
the Hidden Imam (pbuh) religion, the Quran and the teachings of God can be all
; while his understanding of religion
without identifying and understanding the Quran and understand the teachings
will remain sterile and rescued from ignorance is not possible.

(Muhammad pbuh) said:

dies and their Imam Zmansh Nshnakhth is time to die of ignorance is dead" ([3]

the Imam (PBUH);
Pendant firm hand to achieve the
guidance and is saved from perdition and error.

"God I know
their argument, their argument that if you Nshnasany me, I will go astray from
Dynm ([4] [4]).

knowledge of the Hidden Imam (pbuh),
understanding of morality and the way is impossible, without knowledge of Sire
and how he does not recognize sharia possible
knowledge of Shari"ah, to achieve prosperity, world and the hereafter would be

Imam (pbuh)! Must
recognize, with his ideals goals met, and was ready to help him because he only
supervisor present and humanity Imam
He remains
unique in the land of God and the essence of true-born Prophets (PBUH), the only
survivor generation of leaders and innocent (PBUH) is.

His amazing
life, full of mystery, his absence, his life a miracle and the emergence of
bright and peaceful life together Zmnyh Afarin his instrument and the most
exceptional season Prbartryn human history, but above the highest and most
important date of creation, the "rule of monotheism worldwide
is. Hoping that

[1] [1] - "I
and my Arad Bdabkm Vhdh before God and I Nkm Qsdh Bkm attention, the great sin
of pilgrimage of Imam Hadi (PBUH).

[2] [2] - "I
Ahbkm Hb illustration of Allah, the same.

[3] [3] -
"Matt and I trick-stroke Yrf Imam Matt Jahlyh Myth, Bharalanvar, c. 22, p. 331,
H. 317.

[4] [4] -
"Allhm Rfny Hjtk, the funk lounge Trfny Hjtk Zllt religious shit, Bharalanvar,
c. 53, p. 187, H. 1

نوشته شده توسط : محمد جواد محبی نیا

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absorption and repulsion of Imam Ali

جمعه 89 شهریور 12 ساعت 5:21 صبح

As we said today, a terse summary of the
historical introduction and full content  absorption and repulsion of Imam Ali - the master martyr Morteza Motahhari have

The absorption and excretion of a general
law that governments around the system you can.

Of scientific societies today is certain
that no human particulate particles of the universe circle
outside the state public attraction and not all are condemned to
a.. The largest to the smallest s and s in the universe are with
them and so are affected by attraction and repulsion.

Bshrdvran ancient world public attraction, but
there did not seek gravity was realized in some s and some s, like
amber symbol knew it. Human antiquity believed that the earth because the
gravity of other s that it is inserted and this force is equal from both
sides together has remained suspended in the air.

Attraction and repulsion of people in the
world: here, our goal is to attract and repel sexual but although this is some
kind of absorption and excretion. We aim to attract and repel those that among
people at the scene of social life there.

Much of the friendships and camaraderie or
enmity and malice of all the absorption and excretion of Mazaheri is human.

This type of absorption and excretion based on
origin or similarity or hostility or Mnafrt foundation is - contrary absorption
and excretion of electricity

Sometimes the two together and enjoys each
other to attract and be a comrade with the password encrypted, and it is nothing
but authenticity. This vision of two people is not compatible do not attract
each other - nice story of Rumi"s Masnavi has:

Hakimi also said it saw a single

Expression with blue stain Laki

I stayed in too, asked Bjstm

How much to show myself a member

I wonder when I close and Deng

Both had their lame Bdydm

Some believe the roots of this capture and
disposal is required and needs of people in need are created by nature and their
activities are trying to fill up their gaps and to bring Hvayjsh on and also not
possible unless the batch and join another group to abandon - thereby to be of
some interest groups and the loss of another to escape.

Human differences in absorption and excretion

1) People who have no attraction nor repulsion

2) People who are attractive but not repulsion

3) People who have no attraction but repulsion

4) who both attraction and

1 - People who are neither attraction nor
repulsion: no one likes them and have no animosity. No love on someone is not
jealousy and hatred Angyznd anyone.

These are ineffective - that no man there is
no point in them a positive, not positive attraction and not repulsion are
positive. If anyone can help these people and bring benefit to them or show
interest just because of that needed when using them and their needs after they
had abandoned their will

 2 - People who are attractive but not
repulsion: with everyone Jvshnd are hot and all people of all classes to their
disciple Knndv everyone likes them Vksy not deny them when the Muslims that they
die with Zamzam water and Myshvynd Hindus will burn them - it targeted for human
thought and thought and follow his goal is not possible because all of a kind
not think they do not feel a sort of goal is a goal if you have with people that
you have a common goal like ourselves and with those whose aim is not matched
with an enemy you dare.

Some Christians that their faith and their
love annunciator Adayshan introduced and is full of human kindness is only Vbs
only attracts people - Christian and Hindu philosophy, including much material
that is seen is love - They say that everything should be loved and to love
kindness to all, then no obstacle that they all like to have

This group should know that people love being
alone is not enough to be professional people (targeted) and from the fact of
being ill or whether the enemy is making.

Of course, both Islam and the Prophet is love
Rhmh Llalmyn philosopher.

Prophet (PBUH) time to everyone and everything
to suit its goal of course would love him even solid name for his horse had left
each of his cloak and had a name ......

Love it that the Quran does not command that
anyone matching his desire to behave like us, he comes towards us and be
absorbed and Tmaylatsh confirm this is not love and hypocrisy are two front

Love means to deliver and generally no good
way to convey that love is not attracted to the opposite side

True love and true that the prosperity of
human society it is not a particular group

After entry to love and to be empty is not
true and nothing but hypocrisy and two front does not show.

Mslhyn on large we see that for society to
reclaim the situation but instead were a lot of hurt and hatred but whereas the

 3 - people who have no attraction but
repulsion: attraction, but people who are not enemy repulsion mechanism, but not
making love for oneself and for no reason are the enemy building. Because these
people without being ive and being unkind to building only the enemy, and
nobody even some low pro they are not.

Imam Ali (AS) stated: The most disabled people
who are unable to find a friend and it is someone who is disabled more your
friends lose.

About these people is better than this we do
not talk

4 - People who have both attraction and
repulsion: people with professional in the way of its goal to work toward their
groups and some smoke from the disposal of their own course, because these
people have some kind of power and gravity repulsion them together is different.
and this depends on the base of the + and - in the spirit of how they have

This power is the same size and that far too
Mjzvbyn his team and he even lives in the way these people pay and the enemies
are so tenacious that even their lives to eliminate these people are

This friendship and love and hate is so much
that even centuries after death and some people love their lovers, their enemy.

Of course people should see quite how to
attract and repel people are sometimes wise and noble person attracts people
ignorant and evil are inherently attracted and sometimes the picture

And enemies, and everyone Mtrvdyn and Mjzvbyn
crucial because the nature of his

Attraction and repulsion, and spent an even
stronger attraction and repulsion for this being that person admirable character
is not enough but because of his personality and character of the principle of
no one because he is not good enough. All world leaders, including Genghis and
Saddam are both too attractive repulsion and having a corps of several thousand
persons on both because of their attraction.

Each character class also attracts its
inherently bad people, criminals and those noble Ave. Ban will absorb.

 Ali, the force of personality

Ali also has the attraction and repulsion that
is both powerful hardware they might all ages and ages to the power of
attraction and repulsion attraction and repulsion of the Ali not found. Is a
strange historical friends - devoted - passed. His love of the century, such as
the flame burning and full of harvest Frvghnd. Act in the way of him and proud
to know the cause even after the death of Ali years and even centuries Chshmhara
is staring into his. The enemies of Ali at the time of his life after centuries
of illusion him to jealousy and hostility in the way of their lives with Ali are
good and even after centuries of sword to kill them are lovers Ali sharp. Yes
Ali is the good personality.

نوشته شده توسط : محمد جواد محبی نیا

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Whether Imam (pbuh) from the action we are aware of?

جمعه 89 شهریور 12 ساعت 5:20 صبح

Whether Imam
(pbuh) from the action we are aware of?

So what
infallible Holy Quran and hadith (PBUH) has been, and all the Imams,
g Imam (pbuh) from the action we are aware.
Saith Holy Quran: Sura
Repentance, verse 105.
Say: Do you want any action, then
Allah, His Messenger and the believers will see your work ...
Rvayaty verse in which the
interpretation is that the meaning of this verse the believers shall infallible
Imams (PBUH) are.
The principle of knowledge Imam
(pbuh) actions and our behavior is certain something, but how to achieve this
act of ways including: a god Elevated eye has given them everything they see.
Jesus (pbuh) after the emergence
of Imam (pbuh) comes behind it prays the honorable Quran According from what
people had to save their homes and ate what they gave news,
without which it is seen in the
appearance of Sura Al-Imran, verse 49.
Considering that the position of
Imam Mahdi (PBUH) the Prophet Jesus (PBUH) is higher, then the action certainly
is our consciousness.
Two angels on the Imam (PBUH)
will be revealed and applied servants letter to Imam Mahdi (PBUH) will be
The narrative that the letter
twice a week apply to servants of Imam (PBUH) will be released.
In some traditions which call
them on Monday and Thursday letter acts servants will be offered to the Prophet
"that attacked Alamal Ali Nabi (pbuh Vsl are on the sciences they are induced.
Except this way
Downloads may
also be other ways that we no aware  without them. Of course, the knowledge the
prophet to our apparent actions and behavior is not unique but that the noble
intention is aware of many of our

نوشته شده توسط : محمد جواد محبی نیا

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Getting closer to what caused the emergence of Imam (pbuh) is

جمعه 89 شهریور 12 ساعت 5:19 صبح
Getting closer to what caused the emergence of Imam (pbuh)

Getting closer to what caused the
emergence of Imam (pbuh) is?

Time of emergence of Imam (pbuh)
and Allah knows that while we should be closer to the emergence of areas
provide, we must not rush, just find others.
In the absence of prayer in the
Imam (PBUH) will come to call:

«انت العالم غیر المعلّم بالوقت
الذى فیه صلاح امر و لیک فى الاذن له باظهار امره و کشف سرّه فصبرنى على ذلک حتى لا
احب تعجیل ما اخرّت ولا تأخیر ما عجلت( )

  "Knowing you, O God, and without
soul, without a teacher to be when you have news which is best for you, but warn
that allowed him to detect and fix curtains Amrsh him, so grant me patience so I
will not rush
what can be delayed and not
delayed rush what you do.
Imam (pbuh) for justice around
the world, create a single world government, flag monotheism in all regions of
the Earth and the rule of Islam over all religions, the rise and revolt will be
said and what the long field goals prepare
led to the emergence of the
Prophet is near.
After the establishment of
Islamic rule in society, goals uprising of Imam Mahdi (PBUH) will help and will
be a basis for the emergence and rise of the role is near.
The following deion, which
has emerged as a high near, pray for Faraj Imam (pbuh) is.
book sacred in that area by the
Mohammed Bin Osman "has been issued, Imam (PBUH) Exalted:

اکثروا الدعاء بتعجیل الفرج فان
ذلک فرجکم

" pray a lot for rush vulva, vulva,
in which you too. Faraj prayers in several subjects
in books (Mafatih) has come. So not only must rush Faraj prayed, but too much
should be prayer, prayer that has relevance and is involved in vulva rush,
because prayer is one of divine predetermination
divine judicial change affects
the story of Imam Sadeq (PBUH) has been quoted, they Exalted Prophet:

الدعاء یردّ القضاء بعد ما ابرم
البراماً فاکثر من الدعاء»

"I" pray ensure judicial returns,
then pray a lot .

نوشته شده توسط : محمد جواد محبی نیا

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