ml> محمد جواد محبی نیا - only for mahdi
 محمد جواد محبی نیا - only for mahdi

Education Montazeri aware

جمعه 89 شهریور 12 ساعت 5:33 صبح

Education Montazeri aware

Unlike what some Mypndarnd, Imam at the time of year a total
absence of people is not cut, but as it falls from the Islamic hadith, a small
number of people who Madhtryn series of passionate love of God and a heart
filled with faith and sincerity to achieve extraordinary World Vision U.S. have
to make with the Hzrtsh Artbatand.


Meaning absent Imam AS, is not that the Holy Spirit in the form of
invisible or radial Missing fashioned, but he enjoys a quiet and normal life is
unknown among the same people to travel. Brmygzynd very ready hearts and will
provide them more than before to prepare and makes. Talented people to different
levels of talent and competence, understanding this success will find happiness.
Some of them and some few moments several hours or days and years with a group
of Hazrat Ayatollah Bqyh AS were in contact.


They are those it flying so that knowledge and virtue had gone up
and the passengers as planes fly around, put the clouds above, where the veil
and never an impediment in the way radiation is Jahanbakhsh sun, while others
under the clouds and darkness and are subject to weak light.


Correctly account is correct same. Who is waiting for the sun to
bring low clouds descend to see the face. Such waiting, big mistakes and not
more than imaginary invalid. This we must be above the clouds we fly, we abide
to the radius of the sun and watered Grdym Bnvshym sip sip.


However, the training group waiting, another lies in Hkmthay
absence of the Imam.

نوشته شده توسط : محمد جواد محبی نیا

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This is a command, not a hadith!

جمعه 89 شهریور 12 ساعت 5:32 صبح

This is a command, not a hadith!
Imam Hossein (AS):
Mehdi our own age is innocent until he can tell
And pen to Frsayy
your opinion, the most innocent person on humanity cyst? All we know
someone other than Imam Hussein. But the most innocent person that Imam third
Yogurt, your child tells his Mehdi age (our life) is innocent
your opinion, we the people more time Imam Hossein cruel treatment and more
Are not. We work with Imam Imam in their own, we did not / us /
his absence and we have confined the Messenger because we have taken
he says: We do not short you are considerate of Vyadtan
Of a Nmybrym
what should we
Imam Hussein ordered that the Imam can say, and Zmanman
Write to him this will save Mzlvmyt

نوشته شده توسط : محمد جواد محبی نیا

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Imam presence - absence of meaning - with Imam Zaman Imam

جمعه 89 شهریور 12 ساعت 5:29 صبح
Imam presence - absence of meaning - with Imam Zaman

Sudden want to go over primary

Right to know that we now
apparent and evident during the Imam and not Nmytvnym we meet with him, but a
time when other Shia Imams were present all that success did not go and see the
Imam of his time in that era were Shiite, even to the end of life
Once the Imam of his time have
never seen

But really

So now that the imam behind the
curtain of very Ghybtnd Shyyyan meet with him and the secret of their hearts to
tell him and help him take time

Meaning of the term absences with
its lexical meaning is different

During our absence should not
think that the Imam is absent and is not Amamman here means the absence of the
Hidden Imam is unknown after this period our main pain is not the absence of
negligence is

((Hidden from public eyes, but is
absent from the hearts of believers loving))

If we Drghflt Nbashym the absence
of problems for us, is less easily can we establish relations with the Imam and
his problems and hardships help but how we need to get rid of this neglect

Shiites are a lot of absences
during his relationship with the Imam and his heart had Sraht speak to help him
take Vaz

If we are to benefit from this
noble is a relationship there Hrsvy bilateral relationships and look at the
presence of God is evident

Our linkage with the Hidden Imam
is praying

We pray for him and he will pray
for us

With Imam Merciful God hear our
prayer for forgiveness and we seek forgiveness and happiness in the world and
the hereafter is our prayer, but only if the heart is pure and noble intentions

We pray for him and Imam pray for
us is Merciful

But where our prayer and prayer
where Imam Zmanman - answered prayer in Imam No doubt -

Now I get Mykhayy included prayer

((Jl Alhm Lvlyk Alfrj))

2 Written  23 Aug 2010Time 3:17 
By montazeran01  |  < type="text/java">GetBC(20); One comment

نوشته شده توسط : محمد جواد محبی نیا

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imam mahdi in the nahjolblaghe(imam ali book) 01

جمعه 89 شهریور 12 ساعت 5:29 صبح
imam mahdi in the nahjolblaghe(imam ali book) 01

Today about the topic of Imam Mahdi in Nahj few days you will
serve all those with this demand, we have Shnayt us to help us and perhaps even
more so your new professionals to learn while you link You can click below this
post you can download most Microsoft Office (with very low volume) the
opportunity to read about this guy

us in this issue

donlowd this post in word document

Topic Imam
Sociology, and pledge to uphold the office of Imamat, and the necessity of an
Islamic leader eligible at any time, only about Shi"a and one group is not
certain, but the reality is that the deep roots of Islamic and Muslim
sectarianism and juridical conscience of different faiths, all believed and
admitted it and are.

In other words, to believe there imam at any time
is one obligatory divine Prophet PBUH and the prophet has declared it, and lay
it on time seems everyone has input. Yes, intimidation inside Hzrtsh deviation
from the line to believe that the Imamat of Imam true understanding of their era
refuse ignorance and oriented to time as someone who can interpret them backward
ignorance, stated:

من مات و لم یعرف امام زمانه مات میته جاهلیه "

Who dies and their Imam is Nshnakhth his death as death during the
ignorance that people are idolatry and pagan world is gone.

Zayd ibn
Arqm to the saga, Rbyh Try Amer bin Abdullah bin Abbas, Abdullah bin Omar bin
addressed, Vymr bin Malik (also known as Abvdrda’), Maz and Mavyh bin Jabal Ibn
Abi Sfyan the Prophet (PBUH) have been quoted and Mhdsyn Alymqam group and other
Sunni scholars also mention it in the Islamic Msadr have and the traditions of
the successive and decisive Alsdvr are considered, and part of our tradition
documents after brief account brief explanation seems readers.

Now the
point I should note in this regard is that this tradition with other traditions
that has been entered to this theme issue represents a decisive command of the
Islamic prophet area is clear and with emphasis, attention to two important
issue to the attention :

A prophet (PBUH) by adding the word "imam" to
the word "time" and necessity Imam Alshrayt be comprehensive knowledge in every
age and time (although only one person there is a Muslim) to follow his
announcement stated, Imam and such but with the last of which Shia Imam Hazrat
Ibn Imam hasan asgari(AS) is he who can not be consistent.

2 of that
Dear Prophet (PBUH) by adding the word "Myth» word "Jahlyh" death at any time
without the knowledge of Imam has described the death of ignorant, be clear that
the imam not an ordinary person but as the Prophet enjoy the highest degree of
comprehensive scientific and practical character, and the interface between
creator and creation is exactly cut it cut like the prophet, will cause error.

Now they want than those who accept this theory, for them there is no
more than two ways:

Or to deny the principle of tradition; if the
deion of the saga that will be delivered later can be no doubt and denial;

Or say: Imam and the ruler of each with every means that,
although angry and force, with the coup and bleeding, and eventually back to the
Qur"an and Islamic criteria, and humans on the work coming.

Al-Waleed, the Yazid, to Marwan, Abdul Malik, the Mansur Dvanyqy of Aaron, the
Ma"mun, the Mutawakkil, the Imam of his era has been that the Prophet (PBUH) cut
their ignorance and error factor Gray and assembling and publishing people"s
ignorance has;

Already know and rulers countries and Muslim areas, with
the features they need to understand Islam and to follow Authorities, said part
of Islamic duties, and death without the knowledge of their death called

This Pndaryst wrong, wrong, contrary to the spirit of Islam,
and ridiculous, that no sane human consciousness and does not accept it.

Thus, and according to Shia, Prophet (PBUH) delivered with this Hadith,
Imam non-innocent and fallible in the advertising and implementation of Islamic
law rejected, and unacceptable, and finally called statism ignorance, and this
expression something that Shiite centuries it was believed

نوشته شده توسط : محمد جواد محبی نیا

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Mehdi waiting Nahjolbalaghe - Mehdi in Islam

جمعه 89 شهریور 12 ساعت 5:25 صبح
Mehdi waiting Nahjolbalaghe - Mehdi in Islam

 savior of view about Islam, we
talk with you questions and comments through the Lake below us to share

comments and questions 

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Millenarianism issue in Islam,
Shia Nchnank·h shall discuss, one of the most original foundations of Islam
continued, and essential to the revolution and the victory of the Islamic world
and the rule of the Koran on the other multilateral standards and state
standards of the world.

Because only in the light of the
leadership of Imam and Caliph eligible Mnbs innocent from the founder of Islam
and that Islam is True and complete freedom in all its dimensions Shvvn
extensive scientific, political, social, economic, Ebadi, moral, cultural,
judicial, and military.
. . Can around the world and among
the mass public to show off the mortal and the divine promise in The Qur"an ([1]
[2]) based on the arrogant victory of the Oppressed, and achieve ivity can

"And having it assigned Nryd Nmn
Ali Alzyn Astzfva corruptor and Njlhm Ymh and Njlhm Alvarsyn; Qss 28 / 5.

Is not it true that during the
past fourteen centuries of Islamic history and hundreds of large and small
islands in the emirate, Sheikh nomads around the world exist and that its people
and its governing body and voice and Dadgstrysh Symaysh and universities, all
struck the tail of Islam and do

And now all these centers of
Islamic slogans through the media and books and articles, with the broader
aspects of the past to attract attention, and the claimant are mostly partly
right and say that their own constitutions
have developed on the Quran.

Unfortunately we can not a vast
country like Egypt, about forty million people, but too small a country or
region, we introduced Sheikh stay at one hundred percent Islamic system of rule
had it, and each was to be operated.

If you leadership and competent
rulers of Muslim countries that also had knowledge of Islam and freedom from
colonial loyalty and strangers were responsible, such deviation of Gray deviate
and spiritual poverty and overall backwardness, and oppression
Islam was not replaced and

Such conflicts of conscience and
the ethical and political and professional and social classes, more than one
billion Muslims can not separate and divided, and under the influence and
colonialism were not enemies of Islam gave them in hand begging for Science and
and food and clothing and
medication and treatment before the East and West will not be long.

Thus, justice and equality and
the real world and rescue the brand and the yoke of oppression and ignorance,
poverty and insecurity will have meaning, but coming away with a powerful and
competent ruler with absolute freedom and away from any fear and
Khvdfrvkhtgy reservation and
dependence and, to be entered in the action scenes, and Islam before anything
else from the original claw their captivity and sold incompetent rulers, and
deceived the Muslims to free and then based on Islamic laws and methods Original
Prophet (PBUH) and
Ali (AS) on the people to rule.

Yes believe Shia Shiite and Sunni
scholars, these clothes which are unique stature son of Imam Hassan Askari (AS),
"waiting for Mahdi (aj)" sewn and only that his work responsibilities assigned
to his responsibility and
He is now in the shadow of the
Oppressed Rhbrysh world arrogant win, and what the Holy Quran in relation to the
absolute rule governs the world and worthy servants of God, and he promised:

"And I Alzbvr Lqd Ktbna mischief
on earth after having it assigned mentioned Yrsha Alsalhvn Ebadi ([2nd] [3])

"We Zabur, after mentioning
(Torah) have written that the earth worthy servants of God shall inherit";
21/105 prophets.

There are a blessing his hands
and he will achieve.

نوشته شده توسط : محمد جواد محبی نیا

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